Toasty Tealeaf Commission Terms of Service
You must be 18 or older to commission me.
Feel free to provide as many reference images as you'd like, especially if you would like art of an original character. Reference sheets are preferred when doing commissions featuring original characters, but not required. Once work has begun the client will be sent various work-in-progress images of the artwork such as posing ideas, sketches, line work, flat colors, and then shading.Large changes (pose, subject matter, etc) are to be made during the sketching stage. Small changes can be made up until the flat coloring stage. Once the client has fully approved the piece, and work on it has officially ceased, changes will no longer be made. This does not apply to personal errors on my behalf, such as wrong colors, incorrect patterns, etc.All of these preliminary work-in-progress images will be watermarked or in low resolution. Only after the client has fully approved the piece, and work on it has officially ceased, will the full resolution, un-watermarked version be sent to the client via email.
Payment will be accepted via PayPal Invoice only. Work on the commissioned piece will not be started until the invoice payment has been paid in full and processed. For the protection of the artist, 100% of the payment is required up front and must be in USD. Refunds will be issued in full only if the refund is requested before work on the artwork has started. Once work on the artwork has begun, eligibility for full refunds is no longer available. Excessive or unreasonable alterations, beyond the preliminary sketch stage, (such as switching to completely different characters/settings) will incur an additional fee. The commission will be canceled if both parties cannot come to an agreement in this situation. Only a 50% refund will be issued if the commission is canceled at this time, due to the amount of work already put forth.
Usage Rights
By commissioning the artist, the client accepts and agrees to abide by the terms set forth here. The artist retains all copyrights to the artwork. The client may print the artwork for personal use only, and may not sell or alter the artwork. The client may use the artwork for online profile pictures or wallpapers as long as credit to the artist is given on said profile, and as long as the profile belongs to the client who originally commissioned the artwork. The artwork is not to be used for commercial or non-commercial projects or organizations by the client. The artwork is not to be re-uploaded to other websites, even if credit is given. Please link back to the artist's original upload of the artwork when sharing. The artwork is not to be used for NTFs or for training AI algorithms. The artist may refuse to accept a commission for any reason.
Subject Matter I Will Not Draw⪢ Offensive or hateful depictions of communities, cultures, genders, and sexualities. This includes symbols widely understood to belong to hate groups, no matter the context.
⪢ Depictions or implications of dehumanization, fetishization, or objectification towards a gender, race, culture, or community.
⪢ Depictions or implications of sexual abuse of minors, or minors in any sort of erotic context.
⪢ Animal abuse
⪢ Extreme violence or extreme gore. If you are not sure, don't be afraid to run it by me.